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Creating Custom Dashboards
Creating Custom Dashboards

Save views for your most import metrics

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Written by Baremetrics
Updated over a month ago

People understand things best when they're presented in graphs. We're all about customizing your data in ways that make communicating to those important decision makers in your life easy as pie-charts. 🥧
​Let's say you'd like to create some charts that show data speciffically about your customers who are using Stripe, and have their businesses located in NY. The first step would be to Segment your Customers the good news is that we make it easy to add as many filters as you'd like when segmenting. So go ahead and experiment, get creative, you can always delete these saved segments later.

After saving your Segment, return to your Control Center. From here you'll hover over the drop down menu as pictured below and select "Create New Dashboard."

Name your new Dashboard however you'd like it to appear:

Then select the information you'd like displayed, with the Segment you've saved previously:

And it's that easy! Continue adding any of the available metrics you'd like to apply your segment to. Just make sure when you're done you "Share with team" if you'd like the others you work with to see it, and that you press "Save."

To access your new dashboard at anytime simply hover over the arrow in your Control Center and select the view you'd like!

To delete an existing customer dashboard:

Select the gear in the dropdown menu next to the desired dashboard:

And then simply "Remove View" to delete!

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