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Date Range and Interval
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Written by Baremetrics
Updated over 5 months ago

Why should I change the date range or interval?

There is value in being able to make decisions with the aid of a helpful graph that displays your data neatly. While you shouldn't change your entire strategy after a couple of days of user churn, it does help to visualize where you came from and if you're on track to get where you'd like to go! Especially if you take the time to annotate any big changes on a particular day. Combine a long date range with trend lines to better understand the story your data is trying to tell you.

We've worked to give you options of preset date ranges to quickly choose from, or you can set custom ranges with ease if there are specific dates you'd like to see displayed.

To select a preset date range

Select the Calendar in the upper right corner of your metrics and select one from the available list.

To set a custom date range:

Select the calendar in the upper right corner of your metrics and then select the date you'd like your custom range to start, followed by the date at which you'd like it to end.

To change your metrics view to Days, Weeks, or Months:

Select the calendar then update your date range to encompass all dates needed in your graph. Once that is done you'll select the desired option in the additional dropdown below the calendar. Then presto! A new custom graph right before your very eyes!

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