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Email Notifications

Set up email notifications to keep up to date with your business! πŸ“ͺ πŸ“ˆ

Baremetrics avatar
Written by Baremetrics
Updated over 6 months ago

Notification Types:

The Metric Summary provides an overview of all of the available metrics, delivered daily, weekly or monthly.

Instant notifications are great for events that you want to act on right away, like downgrades and cancelations.

Daily Notifications are better suited for things you don't need to be updated on right away. Choose wisely–or choose both!

Step by Step:

1. Hover over your picture at the top right and choose Notifications.

2. Turn on your favorites! Don't like to ne bummed out by seeing the downgrades each morning? Turn them off. Want to keep an eye on those new trials? "Instant" please!

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